After many months of speculation and rumors, Telegram has unveiled a model that is based on subscriptions for its users who still want access to all of the platform’s features. This model is intended for Telegram members. In the future, users will be required to pay a recurring subscription in order to continue using their favorite services on the website. Unfortunately, neither the price nor the features of Telegram Premium have been disclosed as of yet.
According to a statement made on the platform by Pavel Durov, “Telegram Premium,” a membership package that offers more features, improved performance, and more capabilities, is scheduled to be released this month. Supporters of Telegram will get an additional perk in the form of advanced access to the most recent features as they become available. On the other hand, the platform made it quite apparent that all of the capabilities that were currently accessible will continue to be provided at no cost. Those who do not have a membership to Telegram Premium will also have the opportunity to have access to some features of the service for free. Customers with a Premium account, for instance, will have the ability to transmit and receive very large files.
On May 27, 2022, well-known mobile developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi published a photo to his Twitter profile. This action caused information on Telegram’s Premium model to become accessible on the internet. The message that is shown to welcome new users to Telegram may be seen in the accompanying image. The graphic shows that the present message that appears on Telegram and the message that would display once the Premium membership is accessible are quite different from one another.
#Telegram is working on a subscription plan called "Telegram Premium" đź‘€
ℹ️ With "Telegram Premium" you can unlock premium stickers, additional reactions and more.
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) May 1, 2022
Durov summed up his comments by stating that the users of Telegram should pay for the service rather than advertisements since this would enable the firm to focus more on the users of the service rather than on the marketers. The Premium membership comes with a variety of privileges, some of which include the ability to upload extra-large files, early access to a variety of different features, and unique answers and stickers. Customers of Telegram Premium may soon gain access to new features that have, up until this point, been kept a secret from the general public.
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