Terrascape’s Review: a City-builder With Impressive Features

Credit: Terrascape

We all some city-building games that seem so accurate and peaceful! Terrascape has become a popular game in recent years thanks to its impressive features and quite the meditative exercise.

In this hex-based game, you are simply tasked with placing some structures from the medieval age on the best possible plot of ground. And the best part is that the game comes with some interesting and sophisticated structures, many trees and wild animals and resources, like woodcutters or hunter’s lodges. Practically, the game’s goal is that the more resources and nearby constructions you have, the more advantageous your location could be. The score will also get higher!

Check out below gameplay for Terrascape:

Whether you choose to play one of the game’s unique challenges or its more entertaining sandbox mode (which just sets you loose and gives you added tasks), there are some cool objectives you totally have to try! It’s great to give them a try because there are no time restrictions, and everything is just so relaxing as you drop a tiny farm here or a town square there. Obviously, there are also some more challenging tasks to do in Terrascape!

The game’s scoring mechanism accumulates points rather than maintaining everything constantly. That means if you choose to build a medieval settlement on top of a hunter’s lodge, you could totally get a ton of points from the neighboring animals, points that you won’t lose. Finally, every map becomes an intriguing exercise in strategic planning as a result since you start off thinking about fish, deer, and trees before moving through the decks and needing to change to thinking about big manor buildings and inns.

The imagery in each hex that flows into the next, and the added structures that do a little pop, make the overall experience quite pleasant. Terrascape is currently accessible on Steam and is still in early access.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.