The West Nile virus is the main cause of mosquito-borne disease across the continental US. Staying away from mosquitos is crucial in the fight with the virus, as the little and apparently harmless insects can infect people through a simple bite.
As reveals, Prince William County (Virginia, US) has to deal with the first positive sample of the West Nile virus. The sample was detected in Woodbridge on May 18.
As a result, the public works employees will be applying an insecticide across the area and aiming at killing adult mosquitoes. Also, the entire area will be monitored during the mosquito season.
The West Nile virus can affect the central nervous system
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) teaches us more about the West Nile virus, including that it can become pretty dangerous. For instance, about one in 10 people infected with the West Nile virus will develop a worrying illness capable of affecting the central nervous system. Other symptoms of severe illness because of the virus include headaches, high fever, disorientation, stupor, neck stiffness, tremors, convulsions, coma, paralysis, vision loss, numbness, and muscle weakness. People of any age can experience these symptoms, although those over 60 years old are more susceptible.
The good news is that most people who get infected with the West Nile virus do not manifest any symptoms.
Until now, no vaccine or specific treatments were discovered to fight the West Nile virus. Even so, those who get infected can still take pain relievers for reducing fever and relieving some of the symptoms.
Those who develop severe West Nile symptoms often need hospitalization to receive supportive treatment like pain meds and intravenous fluids.
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