The Last of Us PC Mod: How to Play As a Beloved Character

Credit: Last Of Us

We can now play as one of our favorite characters in The Last of Us, thanks to a mod! The Last of Us PC mod, now available, lets players take on the role of Bill. Although The Last of Us PC modding community hasn’t yet shown itself to be very large, this mod right here should be really appreciated. The Last of Us PC release is still taking baby steps, and the devs haven’t had it perfectly right from the start. The game had poor frame rates and even had a completely botched launch.

User ODINSFALL YT shared a clip from the mod on Reddit in which Bill, rather than Joel, slashes through clickers. Also, the mod, according to the user, is a component of JediJosh’s character change tool on Patreon. Therefore players are regrettably unable to use it for free. Bill from The Last of Us is now seeing a rebirth in popularity as a character. Nick Offerman was always a fan favorite, but his tremendously affecting depiction of the character in HBO’s The Last of Us TV adaption has elevated him to a new level of stardom, especially among mainstream viewers. It’s fantastic that people may now jump from watching the program to playing as Bill rather than Joel in the game.

Other details about the mod

You should know, though, that the mod isn’t quite finished yet since when a save is loaded, Joel, rather than Bill, gets loaded into the game. Perhaps this will be corrected in the future. While paid modifications haven’t always been well received by gamers, at least in this case, the money is going to a single person rather than a large organization.

Some Last of Us mods even let users play as Pedro Pascal’s Joel, reintroducing Joel Miller from the television show into the game.
The success of the series will introduce the game to a brand-new audience, making it a popular choice among players who are just starting to play it.

Georgiana Nica
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