A new update for the messaging app Telegram has been launched just as February begins, bringing with it a plethora of brand-new features. The messenger app is making a splash to kick off the new year by releasing 10 new “important” features. These additions provide users greater control over the app as well as additional tools for increasing their productivity and having fun. If you are an experienced user of the messaging application Telegram, you are aware that a large number of emoji, stickers, and other visual choices are available for you to share with your friends, family, and colleagues. This is part of what makes using the program so entertaining. There are hundreds of distinct high-quality possibilities, each one of which may make a world of difference while conversing with other individuals. Stickers and animated emoji may now be used by users as profile pictures thanks to an update made to the platform that further takes use of these aesthetically pleasing accents. This feature allows you to see profile pictures for all of your contacts as well as for yourself.
Now, as you are surely aware, Telegram provides users with a large variety of emoji and sticker alternatives; nevertheless, selecting the appropriate one may be challenging at times. Emoji categories are now being added to the app in an effort to address this issue and make it simpler to locate the specific emoji that users want. Additionally, users can now get a closer look at the emoji, stickers, and other choices that are available in the app by touching and holding on to one of the options to receive a zoomed-in view of that particular option. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of distinct choices, some of them are only available to Premium subscribers of Telegram. In addition, users of the Premium version of the app will now have access to an intriguing new translation tool that will enable them to translate the whole of the discussion in a single step. Because of this, you now have the ability to translate whole conversations, groups, or even channels with only the press of a button. Once you have enabled this function in the options menu, a translation bar will appear at the top of the chat window. This will make it simple for you to translate discussions as they are taking place.
Those who do not subscribe to the Premium plan will still have access to translation tools, but they will be needed to translate each message individually. Despite the fact that this isn’t actually that big of a concern, the ability to mass translate should prove to be rather helpful during a heated and rapid-fire discussion. Telegram updated its storage use page at the beginning of this month. The website now has a pie chart that demonstrates to users how much data the application consumes when media files such as photos and videos are saved.
Now, users will have access to even more facts pertaining to data, with the app displaying consumption statistics in a pie chart graph that is easy to understand but does not go into excessive detail. Users will be able to see the amount of data used for incoming and outgoing communications, including things like text messages, videos, images, and more. In the future, these capabilities should provide customers who have restricted data plans with a simple and transparent method to view exactly how much data travels through and is consumed by the program.
Users will now have access to even finer-grained control over the way incoming photographs and videos are kept, in addition to all of the previously mentioned benefits. Even while media may already be automatically saved to the gallery on your phone, the new option will also enable exceptions. This will make it much simpler to organize the files that have been automatically stored. The level of control that admins have over the material that is shown in conversations will also be increased.
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