Dragon Ball is a beloved Japanese anime and manga series that tells the story of Goku, a skilled martial artist who travels the world fighting villains and defending the innocent. Throughout the series, Goku faces a variety of enemies in battles that result in both victory and defeat. Although a major prejudice is that Goku always wins, this article is here to prove the opposite, exploring the top battles that Goku lost in Dragon Ball.
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The first battle on our list is against Goku’s own brother, Raditz. Raditz was a Saiyan like Goku and came to Earth to convince him to join a planetary invasion. In their fight, Goku fought valiantly but was ultimately defeated, resulting in his death and eventual resurrection thanks to the introduction of the Dragon Balls.
Frieza, an alien overlord who destroyed planets for fun, was one of Goku’s most iconic enemies. Goku fought Frieza on Namek in a lengthy battle that ultimately resulted in Frieza destroying the planet and Goku being stranded in space. Although there’s a lot of controversy surrounding Goku’s first battle with Frieza, with some claiming that the hero practically defeated Frieza by simply overpowering him in the end, you could still consider this battle to be lost by Goku.
Android 19
Android 19 was a creation of Dr. Gero’s and could absorb energy from opponents. In their fight, Goku was eventually defeated when Android 19 absorbed his energy, leaving him unable to continue. Goku’s long lasting rival, Vegeta, stepped in to save the beloved Saiyan.
Cell was another creation of Dr. Gero’s, designed to be the ultimate warrior. In the Cell Games, Goku fought Cell and ultimately sacrificed himself to save the Earth, transporting Cell to King Kai’s planet where he self-destructed, killing Goku, King Kai, and Bubbles.
Beerus, a god of destruction introduced in Dragon Ball Super, was able to destroy planets with ease. Goku fought Beerus but was unable to defeat him, eventually earning his respect and introducing the Super Saiyan God transformation.
Finally, Jiren, a member of the Pride Troopers and the main antagonist of the Universe Survival Saga, was able to fight multiple opponents at once. Goku fought Jiren in the Tournament of Power but was defeated during their first battle, inspiring his friends and allies to continue fighting and ultimately leading to their victory.
In conclusion, while Goku has faced many enemies and emerged victorious in many battles throughout Dragon Ball, these losses served to make him a stronger character, always striving to become more powerful and protect those he cares about. The series’ enduring popularity is a testament to its vast universe and beloved characters.
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