Probably each and every one of us would be willing to hop into a time machine and fix some mistakes of the past. Whether we’re talking about important events in history or our own decisions, such as marrying the wrong person or voting for the wrong politician, surely the idea of traveling in time is very tempting.
We’ve all seen scenarios involving time travel in movies numerous times. Probably the most famous one is the Interstellar plot when the character of Matthew McConaughey has fallen into a black hole to travel back in time and see his daughter again. Automatically, many started to wonder if such a thing can be done in real life, but Neil deGrasse Tyson came to shatter our dreams. The American astrophysicist said it clear that the plot was just made for the drama of the movie, and that it has nothing to do with reality.
But if time travel by using a black hole isn’t possible, could there be any other way? UFO files bring us some hope.
Pentagon documents claim that humans could use time travel to go to other worlds
According to The Sun, Pentagon documents are now claiming that people could use both time travel and anti-gravity technology in their favor. By doing so, going to other worlds might become possible, according to the documents.
Manipulating spacetime surely sounds like a sci-fi scenario, but the files claim that humans could do it to make spacecraft. Such “toys” would surely be needed, considering that it would take forever with the current technology to even reach the nearest star to ours, namely Alpha Centauri!
As for controlling gravity, here’s what the report says, as The Sun also quotes:
It might be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel… and time machines,
“Wormholes” in spacetime could also be used for interstellar travel.
For those unaware, wormholes are theoretical shortcuts in spacetime, and building one would take a lot more energy than humanity would afford. The idea was stipulated as well in the Interstellar movie.
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