Not everybody is a fan of the idea of paying a monthly fee in order to use a service, especially if you don’t need that service too often. Many of us pay subscription fees for movies, music, and so on. Surely you have at least a friend who’s subscribed to an app, and perhaps you’re even subscribed to one yourself.
According to Bloomberg, using iPhones might become just like subscribing to an app, as Apple is working on a subscription service for hardware products. The plan includes iPhones as well as other Apple products.
Subscribing to hardware – an entirely new idea?
Nobody seems to have thought before to allow access to a hardware product through subscription. It would most probably be the first time when it happens. On the other hand, we’re all used to subscriptions for software services.
Apple’s initiative hasn’t been announced yet, but it should be only a matter of time before it will be. Such a plan would obviously be more financially profitable for the Cupertino-based tech giant, as many would be tempted to say. Or perhaps not, as we can also expect it to make users get rid of the classical scheme of spending hundreds of dollars on a new iPhone when the older one from the pocket becomes obsolete.
iPhones are easily among the best-selling smartphones out there. Apple easily makes it in the top three smartphone manufacturers in the world, along with Samsung and Huawei. iPhones are selling like hotcakes when they come out, especially the flagships. For instance, the iPhone 13 lineup that was released last year in September led to largest profit and revenue in Apple’s history, as CNET informs.
Do you like the idea of paying a subscription to use an Apple device? Let us know in a comment!
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