Curious about where are all the NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 hiding? There are many NPCs to discover in Season 2, and they all can be found across the map.
NPCs are pretty incredible, considering what they offer: from bounties, quests, and resources to weapons! Some of them will even fight and reward you with some cool stuff. We’ve compiled a sleek guide on everything you need to know about the NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2.
All NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 1 Season 2
These are all the NPCs you’ll find roaming across the Fortnite Season 4’s map:
Notably, there are 12 NPCs in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2. Their spotsare quite easy to locate so you won’t be bothered by that. Comparing what we got in the past (in Chapter 2 Season 6 we had 46 NPCs), we still get fewer and fewer NPCs to interact with, which is quite bad, isn’t it?! But don’t get disappointed, because it’ll definitely get better with each season!
However, as if it wasn’t enough, some NPCs won’t spawn in every match. That means you need all the luck out there to come across them! Make sure you won’t miss one on the following map:

How cool is the map?! Seeing every you need in one place is perfect!
Luckily, Epic Games should add more NPCs, though, in the coming months, as you probably know by now. We’ll get more details soon!
Finally, as previously said, you’ll need to come across many of those NPCs over the course of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 if you really want to be successful and finish different challenges and earn that sweet XP to level up fast. That’ll definitely be worth al the work (as it always is), don’t worry!
Stay tuned for more sleek Fortnite news and tips!
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