Where Are the Shield Kegs in Fortnite – Find the New Shield Sprinkler

Source: Epic Games

Some cool Shield Kegs have just aired in Fortnite, allowing players to get some sleek shields with their teammates!

Thanks to their healing properties, the Kegs, also known as Shield Sprinklers, come pretty in handy, and they can really make a difference between elimination and that precious Victory Royale. The items are part of a 19.01 hotfix, Epic, released on January 4.

Where can you find all the Shield Kegs?

Fortnite Shield Keg Locations Revealed

Source: Epic Games

Probably the easiest way to get the brand-new Shield Kegs is to find and speak to The Scientist or Lt. John Llama. Both NPCs have lots of Shield Kegs, and you can buy some from them if you have enough Gold Bars saved.

However, if you want to try something else, there’s another way to get some Shield Kegs. For example, you can find more Kegs randomly by searching through Supply Drops and Chests across the map. You might even find some Shield Kegs as floor loot in the wild!

How Important Are the Shield Kegs in Fortnite?

As previously said, the new sleek items are worth picking up in Fortnite because they have amazing healing properties.

Also, these Shield-restoring items are now surpassing Chug Splashes and even the well-known Slurp Juice. So, you better think about it and start digging up some cool Shield Kegs for your inventory!

BONUS: the Shield Kegs can restore up to 100 Shield, and your teammates can benefit from the effect, too!

Best Shield Kegs Strategy

One of the best strategies for Shield Kegs is to save them until you meet an opponent team. Then, just throw it on the ground, and deal some damage while your Shield is constantly restoring.

How cool is that?

But be careful! The thing with these Kegs is that your opponents can benefit from them if they get closer to you.

Georgiana Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.