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If you’re interested in submitting articles for Optic Flux, we are more than happy to review them! We gladly accept new contributions.

We welcome you to be part of the Optic Flux team, as we’re constantly looking for new talent.

Optic Flux is a reliable source of information for those who are interested in staying updated with the latest health news, scientific discoveries, technology releases and more. Personal journeys, experiences, advice and tips are welcomed as well, as long as they resonate with our readers.

Optic Flux only accepts articles that follow these rules:

  • Articles must be written in English without grammar mistakes.
  • Articles must be longer than 600 words.
  • Sources must be cited throughout the article; For personal stories you must prove you have the right or permission to share it.
  • Content must be 100% original – plagiarism is not permitted.
  • Misleading articles will not be accepted. Make sure your sources are double-checked and mentioned in the article.
  • Add at least one image and prove that it’s free from copyright.

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  • A 300×250 banner on all pages
  • A 728×90 in-article banner

If you’re interested in writing for Optic Flux, contact us at contributors@opticflux.com and get in touch with our team.

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